Turn on the oven at 350°F (180ºC).
Put a piece of aluminum foil over a baking dish.
Arrange 1 large tomato in quarters, chunks of ½ red pepper (if not from a jar) and 4 garlic cloves. If you separate them in rows, they're easier to remove as they are done. Drizzle with som of the olive oil, salt, and pepper and cook until each ingredient is done, about 10 minutes for the bread (which is golden but not burned), half an hour for the garlic, and a little more for the tomato and peppers until they are charred and juices flow. Don't throw away the juice that collects in the bottom!
Peel the almonds if you want to: put them in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave 5-10 and peel them. The skin comes off easy, like chickpeas. If it still won't come off, drain the water and add boiling water and repeat the process again. Dry them with a cloth, chop them just like that and reserve.
Put all the ingredients (except oil) in the jar of the immersion blender: roasted tomato with the juice that was released, roasted garlic pulp, ½ cup bread cubes, almonds, drained peppers if using from a jar, 1 teaspoon chopped chili if using, ½ teaspoon salt, pinch of ground cumin, pinch of ground coriander and a few gratings of black pepper.
Add a little oil until you begin to process, them add more gradually, until you have a thick sauce. Taste and adjust seasonings. If you want a more fluid sauce, you can thin it a bit with a few teaspoons of water.
Store in a glass jar with a thin layer of olive oil on top. It lasts a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.